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On Top of the Hill & Fit for Fun! 

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Mary's Spring Ride and Potluck

  • Sunday, June 25, 2023
  • 10:00 AM
  • North Billerica, MA


Registration is closed

Meet at Mary’s house at 10:00 to bike shaded back roads through Billerica, Carlisle and Chelmsford.

20- mile ride: Bike a lovely shaded 20-mile ride (round trip) along the back roads of Carlisle and Chelmsford.   The rolling hills will take us through some of the Great Brook Farm State Park Forest. There are some hills, neither steep nor long (10 years ago we didn't call them hills). In the bodies of water we will pass, I have seen turtles’ heads shyly peeking up amidst the numerous blooming lily pads – an incredibly beautiful scene.  On the way back we will stop for ice cream (naturally) at Great Brook Farm State Park ice cream stand.  The Holstein cows as well as other animals will be on site.  We may see horses and riders go by on the dirt trails all around there.  Horses ALWAYS have the right of way.  If you see one on the short trail to the ice-cream stand, STOP PEDALING AND PULL OVER.

Although we will not be riding the dirt trails at Great Brook, I will describe the Great Brook Farm State Park.

About Great Brook: There are over 20 miles of trails available for walkers, hikers, mountain bikers, and horseback riders. During the winter months, cross-country skiing is available and one trail is lantern lit for a "moon light" experience! The ice cream stand is open through the month of October.

10-mile ride: We will bike on the shaded back roads of Carlisle and Billerica for about 10 miles.  The hills are minimal.  We will stop at the vernal pools on the Greenough conservation land in Carlise where there are beaver houses, and wood duck nest houses. There are a lot of walking trails through this area. This is also another very lovely ride.  We will stop at Kimball Farms for ice cream on our way back to Mary’s.

Sign up online:

  • Helmets must be worn.
  • Park on the right side of the street only.
  • Back at Mary's we will have a pot-luck meal in the backyard.  I don’t orchestrate the food, so bring what you want.
  • Bring lawn chairs please and Thank You.

Rain cancels.

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