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On Top of the Hill & Fit for Fun! 

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Spring Bike Ride and Pot Luck

  • Sunday, June 09, 2019
  • 10:00 AM
  • Billerica, MA


Registration is closed

A lovely shaded 15 mile bike ride (round trip) along the back roads of Carlisle and Chelmsford. 20 mile and 10 mile options too. The rolling hills will take us through some of the Great Brook Farm National Park forest. (I have tried to eliminate a lot of the hills). In the bodies of water we will pass, I have seen turtles’ heads shyly peeking up amidst the numerous blooming lily pads – an incredibly beautiful scene.

On the way back both groups will stop for ice cream (naturally) at Great Brook Farm State Park ice cream stand. The Holstein cows as well as other animals will be on site. We may see horses and riders go by on the dirt trails all around there. Horses ALWAYS have the right of way. If you see one on the short dirt trail to the ice-cream stand, STOP PEDALING AND PULL OVER.

We will meet at Mary W. house at 10am

  • Helmets must be worn.
  • Park on the right side of the street only.
  • Back at my house we will have a pot-luck meal, bring your favorite food!
  • Bring lawn chairs please and Thank You.

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