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On Top of the Hill & Fit for Fun! 

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Intervale NH - XC Skiing

  • Friday, February 08, 2019
  • Monday, February 11, 2019
  • The Old Field House, Intervale, NH

* This event cannot be registered online *

 The Old Field House in Intervale, NH has started to feel like “home” to many of us who have stayed there often. Options are either a 2 or 3 night stay. 

 The Inn is about 15 minutes from Jackson and about a half hour from Great Glen and Bear Notch, so there are plenty of choices of great places to ski. There is also skiing and snowshoeing right out the back door of the Inn and local, free trails. Maps are available for both at the main desk the Inn.

The Old Field House is a big, very comfortable inn that features rooms with private baths, refrigerators, and TV/DVD players. There are multiple common areas for breakfast, social hours and games. The price includes a full, hot breakfast.

Friday night will feature a pizza party with salad and soft drinks for a nominal extra charge. (usually about $8).  Saturday night you’re on your own for the evening meal.  I’ll be providing a list of local restaurants.

Rooms are priced from $125 - $145 per night, double occupancy. There are a few single rooms and a few suites available (for three people). You can opt to stay either two or three nights. 

Please note: these prices do not include the 9% New Hampshire rooms and meals tax. 

 You can view the rooms on the website, To reserve your room:

  • Call The Old Field House at 1-800-444-9245.
  • Identify yourself as a member of the Top of the Hill Gang.
  • Indicate which room you’d like or discuss your room choices with the innkeeper.
  • Contact Judy T to let her know you’re coming.
  • (Trip leader will receive complimentary stay

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