On April 26 five walkers started off at Gate 40 at the Quabbin Reservoir near Petersham, MA. The temperature was around 48 degrees and cloudy; we all bundled up wearing everything we brought for clothing. Walking was on an old paved roadway. Numerous very old trees lined the sides of the road in various degrees of decay and several types of wildflowers were blooming. We passed several old foundations where the homes had been razed to make way for the flooding of the area for the reservoir. The town of Dana had been completely removed in the 1930s, but the common is above the water level and had many foundations with informational plaques indicating which building had been on that spot. We enjoyed our bagged lunches there. The group continued on for another half mile when two of the walkers turned around to make their way back to the parking area a distance of approximately 3 miles total. Three of us continued on down the road to the end where it disappeared into the reservoir. The sun eventually came out as we walked further and we started shedding all those extra layers.
Along the way we encountered a porcupine, what looked like a tuft of fur from a fox, two loons in the reservoir, marsh marigolds blooming, and a lot of coyote scat. The total round trip to the water's edge was around 8.5 miles and we were all tired when we returned to the cars.
All in all a really great walk, and one to be repeated in the fall.
Meredith P.
From left: Katherine (Jeanne) M., Karen L., Joan A., David R., Dori C., Betsy B., Kathy W., Meredith P., Mary McG., Nancy M. and Robert R.. (Jane took the photo.)
Twelve TOHG members hiked on Friday, April 23rd at the Smith Conservation Land, a property owned by the Sudbury Valley Trustees, on a sunny, windy day. Fortunately, the woods provided protection from the wind gusts and we were all very comfortable for the 3.6 mile walk. We started out on a ridge, high above beautiful Black Pond, ending up in the Harvard Conservation Land adjacent to Littleton Common Road. Along the way there were a lot of small ups and downs, with roots and rocks. On the return trip, we headed down to Black Pond, crossing a small stream and then back over it again to the main trail. The final portion of the hike took us along an old carriage path that was once used by a farmstead, with rock walls along both sides.
Afterwards, some of us went to Kimball’s in Westford for ice cream or lunch and another group went to IL FORNO’S restaurant in Littleton for an Italian luncheon.
Jane P.
From left: Dori C., Nancy M., Jeanne M., Meredith P., Joan A., Dawn M., Ellen W., Jan G., Chris B. and Joel S. (Missing from photo: Charlotte D., Steve P. and Jane P.) On a bluebird-type day, 13 members hiked 4.4 miles in the Delaney Pond area through Stow, Bolton, and Harvard. We walked in a meadow and through woods next to the Elizabeth Brook to a dam where Great Brook comes in, the water from both leading south to the Assabet River in Stow. The Delaney Complex was built in 1971 to provide flood control and Delaney Pond was formed as a result. It’s a favorite area for nature lovers; we could hear woodpeckers and flickers and we saw lots of swallows, turtles and a pair of swans. Joel Snider pointed out a beautiful Mourning Cloak butterfly, the first type of butterfly in our area to come out in the spring—hooray!! We all sat on a huge log near the pond to have our lunch on the loop trail back. We also welcomed a brand new member on the hike, Jeanne (Katherine) M. It was a great day to be alive!
Jane P. and Meredith P.
Left to right: Jane P., Robert R., Liz C., Carol B., Jan G., Jill F., Dawn M., Ruth G., and Jackie A.. (Ross T. took the photo.) What could be better than a scenic rail trail, a sunny pleasant Spring day, and 10 very enthusiastic very pleasant TOHG members? It would be hard to top the weather, the trail, and the group that walked the Cochituate Rail Trail on Tuesday. The 5 mile round trip began on the older section in the Saxonville area of Framingham and continued onto the new section in Natick, all the way to Rte 9, our turn around point. Our picture was taken at Camp Arrowhead on the shore of Lake Cochituate. Jan G.
From left: Carleen, Ellen, Pete, Nancy, Helgard, Elizabeth, Nora, Bruce, Jane, and Susan. Missing from this photo are Charlie (left early) and Anne Marie (sprained her knee).
The ski gods smiled on us, this last trip of the season —three days of quintessential spring skiing! Twelve skiers made their way to the Sugarloaf Inn, one joined us from a nearby facility, and three went missing in the back woods of Maine overnight and finally arrived the next day.
We celebrated the usual Gang mixture of good food and drink, wonderful camaraderie, and as much, or as little, skiing as desired. In keeping with the mellow vibe of the trip, some went out early, preferring the firmer snow, others went out later, opting for softer conditions, but we could all meet up for a sun-soaked mid-mountain lunch. The fourth day brought low clouds and deteriorating snow conditions, but many intrepid members still managed to salvage some decent skiing from the day.
The Sugarloaf Inn is a slightly funky relic of the 60s (aren’t we all!), but it’s comfortable, with friendly and accommodating staff and a surprisingly ambitious restaurant. Breakfasts were included in our room rate; dinners were a la carte and were consistently imaginative and well-executed.
Susan L., Carleen McO.
Under beautiful blue skies, little wind and mild temperatures, 19 members of the walking/hiking group wandered 3+ miles along the beach. Birds were watched and shells picked up along the way. After the walk some stayed and had lunch in the sand in the lee of the dunes. A lot of catching up with friends and welcoming new members made a very enjoyable day.
Many members of the Gang enjoyed two days of great Alpine skiing at Bretton Woods nestled in the White Mountains of NH. The skies were, for the most part, sunny and deep blue, affording us great views of the majestic, snow-covered Mt. Washington and adjacent peaks. Temperatures rose on the second day bringing us spring conditions, but spirits were up and we enjoyed more great skiing. One evening several of us trekked under star-lit skies to the AMC Museum adjacent to our lodge to view an extensive exhibit of breathtaking B&W photographs of mountains and glaciers by American mountaineer and photographer Bradford Washburn.
Pete C.
It was a glorious week, the sun smiled at our group of x-country skiers as they traversed the endless perfectly groomed trails of the Bretton Woods Nordic Center. We couldn’t help but stop numerous times to take in the scenery, especially Mount Washington and the enormous Mount Washington hotel with its ornamental red roofs. Downhill and x-country skiers met for breakfast and dinner and found ample opportunity for long conversations. The Lodge provided delicious, hearty meals served by their friendly staff. The three wonderful days spent at the Highland Lodge and on the ski trails were a welcome break from the past trying months. Thank you, Carleen, for your perseverance in figuring out the necessary adjustments to be able to offer ski and lodging opportunities this year!
Ines A.
Although the ad hoc Loon Trip scheduled for March 8-12 was cancelled, three ladies of winter still went. Elizabeth B., Pamela F. and Nora McK. are pictured at the top of Loon Mountain. It’s difficult to identify us, but there are three very big smiles under those COVID masks (and foggy goggles!). We had an enjoyable few days zipping around the Mountain and enjoying some great dinners at the local spots. We stayed at Pollard Brook, the original spot that Tom Jefferson had arranged and had nice, big suites with whirlpool tubs, full kitchens and working fireplaces to put our feet up and rest with a glass of vino after three great days of Spring skiing. Thankfully, we didn’t encounter any unmarked holes (a la Pat P. and Killington), but surely missed the usual Gang members. See you on the slopes (or bikes, kayaks, trails…).
Nora McK
Dick R., David R., Kent S. and Tom and Cindy B. enjoyed a great sunny ski day on the various slopes of Mt. Sunapee.
Dick R.
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