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  • Saturday, August 05, 2023 12:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tina, Kate, Bob, Deb, Larry, Paula, Rick, Linda, Gaille, Nancy, Susan, Maureen, Marco, Ines, Michel, Joan, Dan, Paul, Kimm, Kenn and André in front.

    Last month, members of the Gang headed to Cornwall in Ontario, Canada for a six-day bicycle tour from Kingston, Ontario back to Cornwall. The tour was arranged by Senior Cycling and Velo Quebec Voyages, with the guides provided by Velo. After meeting our guides, André and Michel in Cornwall, we were shuttled west along the St. Lawrence River to Kingston where we started our Journey. For the next five days, we rode across a number of different Islands, catching ferry boat rides in between to Wolfe Island and Howe Island. Some roadways were busy, some idyllically peaceful and uncongested, with a number of miles covered on bicycle paths. Although the weather reports kept telling us to expect rain, we only had one brief shower during the first day’s ride, so the weather was great!  Over the five days of cycling, the group rode between 125 and 160 miles.

    Paul McH 

  • Friday, August 04, 2023 2:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Pictured are Peg T, Merle W (organizer), Jan U, and Judith D.

    On Friday the Hub Mystery group met at the Copley Boston Public library to attend the lunch time Courtyard Concert. Josahat Contreras and Juan Carlos Ruiz treated us to Mexican and Venezuelan music as we ate our bagged lunches.

    After the concert we went over to the café and caught the end of WGBH Margery Eagan and Jim Braudy show while some of us had dessert. Some shopped at the farmer's market in front of the library. A nice triple event on a day where both rain and heat stayed away.

    Merle W.

  • Thursday, August 03, 2023 1:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Photo left to right: Elizabeth B, Hal S, Judy L, Beverly C, Dick R , Dibba L, Anker L, Dana R, Maryann D, Helgard K, Janet F, Arthur P, and Betzy B. Behind the camara Alan U.

    It was an amazingly beautiful August day for 14 TOHG members to ride on the Garrison, Ghost and Eastern Marsh rail trails from Newburyport, through Salisbury to Seabrook NH. We rode alongside Route 95 over the John Greenleaf Whittier Bridge and stopped on the bridge to enjoy the view of the Merrimack River and to Deer Island and the Chain Bridge.

    Continuing north we turned onto the Ghost Trail in Salisbury so named for the ghostly appearance of the train cars that carried wooden carriages with white canvas shrouds. From there we continued onto the Eastern Marsh Trail to the Seabrook NH line and then south to the Merrimack River stopping to enjoy the view across the river to Newburyport.

    Alan U.

    Mural along the Eastern Marsh Trail:  Maryann D and Art P posing
  • Wednesday, July 26, 2023 1:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    DickR , TomB, CindyB, JudyL, ElizabethB, Helgard the Magnificent, AlanU, KimmS

    Eight TOHG members had a great bike ride on a hit summer day from Salem NH through Windham NH to Derry NH and return.

    The trail was mostly shaded and passed through several rock cuts which provided welcome heat relief. We stopped at Windham Depot for a photo op in front of an old Boston & Maine caboose.

    On the return leg we saw three turtles in different spots trying to cross the trail. Alan helped the first which was a snapping turtle and not very pleased with the help. Kim helped the second who was not quite as cross with the help. And the 3rd turtle saw us coming and scurried across the trail. Who knew turtles could move that fast?

    All in all it was a great ride!

    Alan U

  • Wednesday, July 19, 2023 2:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The weather was great.  We could not have had a nicer day in between all the rain that we have had lately.  Ten people gathered at Salem Willows.  As we went to the boats, we realized we were one boat short.  So the outfitter added a seat, and we turned one kayak into a double kayak and away we went.  The coastline in this area is beautiful.  The gentle rolling ocean swells broke over the rugged granite rocks.  We made sure everyone steered clear of rocks.  We viewed the tightly packed coastal homes from the water side, and we ducked into a sheltered cove for picture taking.  This trip had repeat participants, gang members who came last year came again this year showing that this is a location that you can come to again and again and it feels special every time.

    Anne W

  • Wednesday, July 19, 2023 1:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    From left to right: Marco A, Ines A, Deborah G, Joan W, Bob G, Nancy B, Mary W, Dana R, Helgard K and Alan U.

    This ride was originally scheduled to be held the morning of our Annual Picnic. However, Mother Nature had other ideas that day and so our bike was canceled. Ten TOHG members set out several days later on a “Take 2” ride from NARA Park in Acton to Chelmsford centre. The weather cooperated and humidity dropped slightly making for a comfortable ride on this mostly shaded trail. Many others had the same idea as we passed many walkers and bicyclists on our route. After stopping in Chelmsford for a photo most of our Gang continued a bit further to the trailhead in Lowell before returning to Acton.
    Alan U.

    At the Lowell end of the trail - Marco behind the camara

  • Sunday, July 16, 2023 5:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Everybody dressed for the weather!

    To say this year’s Summer Picnic did not turnout as we planned it last March would be an understatement, but as usual, TOHG members not only carried on, they also found cause for celebration during this event that will long be remembered! With torrential rain in the forecast for Sunday, it was decided to cancel the bike ride, but because the NARA Park Pavilion is covered and the food was being catered, we decided to go ahead with the picnic. Around 11:30 a.m. people started to arrive, dressed for the weather and, in typical TOHG fashion, ready for a party. It rained heavily with a few gusts at times, but for the most part, it just rained. About 45 to 50members showed up. We moved tables under the pavilion, wiped them down, and caught up with each other while we waited for the caterer to arrive.

    Note from the editor: The prize quote from the picnic was from John Bannick who said “When Eleanor and I arrived at the picnic site, Paul was battling wind and deluge, like someone in a Dürer print. He may not have Storm Master powers yet, but he certainly was giving his all to try to give us a party!”

    The caterer pulled up at 1:00 p.m. ready to set up, but mentioned that we could move to an indoor facility about 30 minutes away in Marlboro instead of staying at the NARA Park pavilion. We decided to drive to Marlboro. It was just another adventure for the Top of theHill Gang!

    By the time members arrived, the food and tables were prepared and we resumed the celebration. Nothing can deter the party atmosphere among Gang members who are always ready to make the most of every situation! As for the leftover food? We were glad to hear that whatever we didn’t take home, would be delivered to a women’s shelter and other charitable organizations. Despite a few weather-related uncertainties early on, we all came away with a delicious meal, friendships renewed, and a rainy day that we will talk about for years to come! 

    Paul M and Ellen W

    Happy to eat inside and dry

  • Tuesday, July 11, 2023 1:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    After a very hot day in paradise the golfers are enjoying the shade under the canopy. The course is in great shape!
    We asked the UPS guy to take our photo, but he already had his own plan: to photobomb it.

    Marco A

  • Tuesday, July 11, 2023 12:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Gang entered a surreal world on the Assabet River, a world where there was no sense that we were a mile from Concord and less than 20 miles from Boston.  Thick woods lined the river and the only sign of life was a white-tailed deer.  The trip began at the Southbridge Boat House in Concord and lasted two hours. We paddled up the Sudbury River, detoured onto the Assabet, and ended on the Concord River down where the Battle of Lexington and Concord was fought.  Along the way we saw herons and turtles.  And the deer.
    Enjoying the trip were Jill F, Pat G, Marty and Shelly G, Miriam J, Karen L, Daniel Y, and Harry P. This was the Gang’s second outing on these rivers and the consensus seems to be that this should be an annual occurrence. 

    Karen L.

  • Friday, June 23, 2023 2:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    An exceptional group of “Super Seniors”—TOHG members with common interests—gathered to enjoy lunch and friendship recently at “Not Your Average Joe’s” restaurant in Burlington, MA. The group was invited to reconnect with old friends, ski buddies, and hiking/biking pals and to share outrageous stories, some of which are true. Having traversed highways and bi-ways, completed multi-national treks, and frequented local venues for too many years to count seemed like a good- enough reason to gather again, to talk, laugh, and—maybe what we do best—eat!

    The idea for the event was generated by friends who have connected through the years and miss being active participants in more challenging adventures, while still maintaining their zest for life and friendship. “Not your average” Joe Messina coordinated the location, contacted those he could remember (!), and relied on the help of others to identify and coerce the faint hearted into “one more time,” which may become an annual TOHG event. After all, isn’t that what we all say when the light begins to fade and the lift lines are short—“Just one more time?”

    Dawn M and Joe M

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