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Reformatory Trail to Great Meadows NWR

  • Monday, August 10, 2020
  • 9:30 AM
  • Rt 62 Bedford Parking lot between Bonnievale Rd and Parker Road
  • 2


Registration is closed

Join Meredith for an approximately 3 - 4 mile round trip walk on the Reformatory Trail starting at the Parking Lot in Bedford to the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord and around the Dike Trail along the Concord River.  We will pass the marsh area where the Lotus blossoms are in full bloom as well as cardinal flowers and hibiscus along the river. 

MASKS ARE A MUST. Be sure to wear good walking shoes as part of the trail can be uneven and rooty.  Water, sunscreen/hat, bug repellent and a snack.  There may be bicycles on the Reformatory Trail, but they are not allowed in the Refuge.

Depending on our finish time we can do some outdoor dining in the area for those that care to.

Please try to carpool as there is limited parking at the lot (max 8 cars and maybe 2 more on the grass).

Parks and Open Space Guidelines:
Walking, hiking, biking, running, and other activities (yoga, tai chi, etc.,) are allowable activities during Phase II in parks and other designated areas such as rail trails, multi-use paths, and bike paths.

  • Visitors must practice social distancing by remaining 6 feet away from others and adhering to all site-specific rules, regulations, and posted signage regarding permitted uses.
  • On trails, walker and hikers should move aside and leave room for others to pass, and cyclists and runners should alert other users when approaching and wait for others to step aside before passing.
  • After visiting public spaces, users should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.
  • Managing entities may offer or allow third parties to coordinate group hikes, nature walks, and land stewardship activities, such as clean-up events and community service projects, at their discretion but such activities shall be consistent with social distancing and group size guidelines. There may be more than one group of 10 at one time, provided that adequate social distance and group separation can be maintained.
  • Organized group hikes, nature walk programs, and land stewardship activities should be planned in advance with proper registration of participants in order to manage capacity. Onsite registration should be not offered. Group Size: No groups larger than 12 are allowed to gather.
  • Participants of group hikes, nature walks, and land stewardship activities should not share equipment.
  • No permits should be issued for group gatherings.

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