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On Top of the Hill & Fit for Fun! 

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Impromptu Walk

  • Friday, November 22, 2019
  • 11:00 AM
  • Joe and Dawn's home in Andover, MA


Registration is closed

Mary W. and I are planning to lead a walk in Andover from my home. Walk is on the Bakers Meadow and Indian Ridge Reservations in Andover.

Walk is 3 miles or maybe a little more with small hills, wooded walkways and rocky trails. Hiking shoes and walking poles are recommended. Water is required and a snack could be nice. Rain cancels.

If you are planning on attending, please register or let Mary or Joe know by email or call in case we have to cancel due to the weather.

Parking will be in our driveway which can easily accommodate 4 or 5 cars. If driveway is full, park across the street on Kirkland Circle We will think of a good nearby spot for lunch, Maybe Larosa's Italian Deli, which has become a little upscale, or other nearby spot.

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