Walk Marblehead on Labor Day (while bikers are biking)
Joan St has offered to lead people on a walk around Marblehead on Labor Day while the bikers are biking.
Meet at Marblehead H.S. to get the map of Marblehead from Polly and Don.
Walkers will then drive their car(s) closer to the old part of town and walk around. They can also park at Polly and Don T's and walk to the old part of town (3-4 blocks). Directions to the H.S. are in the newsletter and on the website. Directions to Polly and Don T's from the H.S. will be given out that day.
Cookout afterward at the Don and Polly's. If you plan to come to the cookout please let Don and Polly know (email preferred). We will provide hamburgers and hotdogs. Those people whose last name begins with:
A - D - bring salads E - M - bring munchies N - Z - bring desserts
Everyone bring BYOB and a lawn chair. Ice and water provided.
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