Joan H-B and Jane P will be leading a hike up Mt. Willard on Wednesday, September 26. Joan is inviting TOHG members (no guests) to stay at the Lawrencian Ski House in Bartlett, NH.
The cost is $50 per person for the two nights. Please send your payment following the instructions in the Event Announcement under Additional Details. We will split the costs of breakfast food for the group and carpool from the Lawrencian Ski House to Mt. Willard. Sleeping arrangements are roommate and dormitory style, with men on one floor and women on another. You will need to bring a sleeping bag, pillow and a towel.
We will eat dinners out and purchase a bag lunch to eat at the top of the mountain. Mt. Willard is a 925' elevation gain and 2.8 miles up with a dramatic view at the top. Rain would cancel Wednesday's hike and the rain date is Thursday. If both days have good weather, we will also do another short hike in the Crawford Notch area.
Google the directions to Attitash Mountain, as there are multiple ways to drive to Bartlett, NH. The ski house is two miles north of Attitash and just after the blinking yellow light at the intersection of Route 302 and Bear Notch Road. The GPS address for the Ski House is 1366, Route 302, Bartlett, NH.
There is limited space for women due to the number of beds at the house, but plenty of room for men. The trip is only open to those staying at the Lawrencian Ski Club. Once full please join the waitlist in case of a cancellation.
Please register online on the TOHG website.
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