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On Top of the Hill & Fit for Fun! 

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Bike Ride on the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail

  • Monday, May 21, 2018
  • 10:00 AM
  • 1 Central Sq Chelmsford, MA 01824

Registration is closed

  Bike Ride on The Bruce Freeman Rail Trail


    On Monday, May 21st Jane P. is leading a ride of up to 20 miles round trip. This is a great way to get in shape for the Cape Cod Weekend. At the 10 mile point of the ride the group will stop for lunch at Filhos in Acton, MA. (Please let Jane know if you plan to stop for lunch so she can make reservations).  After lunch we will finish the second half of the ride. Shorter ride options are available, contact Jane for further information.

The group will meet in the parking lot behind the Brickhouse Center Sports Grill at 1 Central Square, Chelmsford, MA. At 10:00 AM. 

As always please have a helmet, a water bottle, a spare tire tube and sunblock.

Rain Cancelation Date will be Tuesday, May 22cd.

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