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On Top of the Hill & Fit for Fun! 

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Kayaking in Nanaquaket Pond

  • Wednesday, August 05, 2020
  • 10:30 AM
  • Tiverton, RI


  • Only 5 parkings spaces available. Please use this registration type if you are bringing your car

Registration is closed

***Event is now full. If you know any of the registrants you may contact them to find out if you may carpool with one of them, provided that there is room for your kayak in their vehicle.***

If you enjoy kayaking and would like to get out of the house for a bit, join us for a kayak around Nanaquaket Pond in Tiverton, RI. We can venture out of the Pond into the Sakonnet River, weather permitting.

Participants must have their own kayaks and shall be experienced kayakers.
Bring your own chair, food and drinks for a socially distanced picnic on the lawn afterwards.

Strong winds or rain will cancel the event and we will notify all participants via email.

Sorry, parking space for only 5 vehicles.

Due to this limitation we have two registration types to choose from:
Vehicle Driver  and  Passenger.
Please choose the correct type to register

Details on meeting location and picnic will be provided to registrants.

TOHG General Guidelines

  1. No groups larger than 12 members, including the activity leader, are permitted
  2. Physical distancing rules must be followed, 6 feet or more
  3. When physical distancing cannot be achieved, masks must be worn
  4. No inside activities can be planned
  5. When it is necessary to go inside, such as for restrooms, masks are required

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