Jack McC, Joe DiP, Karen L, Mary McG, Anne W, Daniel Y, Tom S, Dana R, Gayle A, Daniel P, Maryann D, Kimm S, Maryellen D, Ilene P, Kenn S, Herta B, Marjorie O. Judith L & Pat G are not in the picture.
Nineteen gang members came out to the Medford Condon Shell for a gorgeous day on the Mystic River. This was the largest group we have had to date and everyone seemed to enjoy the trip even though it was quite a challenge to get to the Lower Mystic Lakes. Half the crowd was about to quit and turn around when we finally reached the lake but the other half still had lots of energy to paddle around the lake and view the houses along the shoreline.
We all got back safely and most gathered for a picnic and fellowship, sharing stories and wonderful desserts.
Pat G