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Bartlett Cross Country Ski Trip

Thursday, February 09, 2023 3:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

This was a trip to remember! The weather was perfect, the snow ideal, and the company stimulating. Trip participants x-country skied and snowshoed at ski centers and free trail systems in the area, BUT, this trip had more than its share of excitement and unexpected events.

The first night, while enjoying the “fruit of the grape” and appetizers, we were suddenly plunged into darkness. Paul McHugh, one of our gracious hosts at the Club, flashlight in hand, checked the fuse box. No problem there he reported. We soon learned that a car had hit a telephone pole and knocked out service in the area. The gang members, being who they are, took it in stride and, by the light of the propane fireplace and a few emergency lights, carried on with happy hour! We took that opportunity to tell a bit about ourselves since there were quite a few new members present.

Instead of the planned potluck that night, with no electricity, we quickly shifted to “Plan B”—pizza, the meal planned for the second night! After calling in the order, a small group headed to the kitchen to make salad with light from flashlights and cell phones! Without heat, everyone went to bed fairly early just to stay warm. The radiators started heating up again around 11:00 p.m.

But the excitement wasn’t over! One guest came down with a mild case of COVID the next day. Eight of the 18 members left, but 10 stayed, enjoying the postponed potluck supper. Paul did a great job of sanitizing and cleaning to make sure the Club was safe, and no one else has reported a positive test. The Lawrencian also generously refunded the charge for the second night’s stay to those who left early.

Problems like these could spell disaster, but not with TOHG members who “go with the flow” and “roll with the punches!” Thanks to everyone who took everything in stride. You make planning events easy!

Judy T

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